


Innovations for thermal management of electric car batteries

Thermal runaway is one of the most common causes of fires and explosions in e-car batteries, sometimes with serious consequences. How can this be prevented?

IAV, a leading global engineering partner to the automotive industry, will discuss solutions and technologies to address this problem at the 45th International Vienna Motor Symposium from 24-26 April, 2024.

«When the battery hots up … we keep cool!» is IAV’s motto at the Vienna Hofburg.

Together with U.S. company Convergent Science, IAV has created a simulation environment based on a large number of specially conducted experiments, which is used to investigate the thermal runaway of various cell formats and cell chemistries.

The aim is to ensure that the heat development associated with a specific cell does not trigger a cascade reaction at module and pack level, known as thermal propagation. A presentation by IAV expert Marc Sens on 26 April at 11:30 a.m. will provide further insights into the challenges and solutions for thermal management of batteries.

Visitors to IAV’s conference stand can look forward to an interactive exhibit. The touch table with object recognition makes it possible to experiment with various battery settings and analyze the effects of different technologies on thermal propagation.

IAV will also be showing the IAV Dragoon control unit developed in-house with the INCA-FLOW software. This solution demonstrates real-time capable physical models for degradation/aging prediction as a result of the operating profile of fuel cells in a vehicle.

Intensive testing: IAV has carried out extensive tests on the test bench to prevent the thermal propagation of battery cells.