

Die Zusammenarbeit in Open Source Communities ermöglicht es der Automobilindustrie, Ressourcen zu sparen und den Wettbewerb neu zu definieren.

IAV joins Eclipse Foundation

From today on, IAV GmbH is a member of the Open-Source Community Eclipse Foundation. Its goal is to advance the expansion of Open-source software on a competitively neutral platform. Andre Larberg, Chief Evangelist Software Defined Vehicle (SDV) at IAV, answers the most important questions about the Eclipse Foundation.

Viktoria Hoffmann

What is the goal of the Eclipse Foundation?

The Eclipse Foundation is a non-profit organization and is dedicated to the open source idea and provides a platform to enable companies like Microsoft, Mercedes, Bosch or IAV to participate.

We see a great opportunity in the cooperation for using synergies and in the democratization of the software industry. Especially in the automotive sector, there are not enough developers to meet the current challenges, e.g. in the field of electromobility or autonomous driving.

The Eclipse Foundation is organized into various working groups that deal with different topics, such as Industry 4.0, IoT or the Software-Defined Vehicle.

Why is open source so important, especially in the automotive industry?

Some might say: “Software runs the world”. Basically, I think it is even more true to say “Open Source runs the world”. I don’t think there is a single business model left that can do without open source software. For this reason, we simply have to open our eyes and welcome open source in the automotive industry. We all already use open source in the automotive industry – so why shouldn’t we openly embrace it?

What can IAV offer as a cooperation partner?

IAV can contribute massive expertise in vehicle software, tooling and certainly software to the Eclipse Foundation. At the moment, it is not yet clear exactly what software that will be, but we are working on that. In any case, I am confident that we can contribute software components that are valuable to the community.

How do members get involved with the Eclipse Foundation? How does the exchange take place?

The exchange takes place regularly in meetings or several times a year in person. Among other things, the goal is to provide the Software Defined Vehicle with a tool chain that is collaboratively developed, contributed, and adopted.

The next member meeting of the Software Defined Working Group (SDV) will take place at the end of March. We are already looking forward to a lively exchange.

Our expert on the topic

Andre Larberg