


IAV compliance reporting channels

We trust our employees and business partners. At the same time, we are aware that there may be isolated situations in which applicable law is violated, resulting in significant risks – for IAV, but possibly also for our business partners. We therefore appreciate every report that is made to the best of our knowledge and belief and helps us to clarify and – as far as possible – remedy material legal violations.

Responsible body

Our investigation team at IAV – which is part of the Compliance Organization – is specifically trained for handing incoming reports, communicating with reporting persons and conducting internal investigations. The team assesses incoming reports impartially, observes the highest standards of confidentiality and acts fully independent in their decision-making process. The team reports directly to the Chief Compliance Officer.

Reporting channels

All contact details can be found in the boxes here on the right. The following reporting channels are available to you:

  • Electronic „SpeakUp“ Portal (both in writing and by telephone)
  • E-Mail
  • In-Person meeting

To arrange for an in-person meeting, please contact us directly.

Note: If you use the “SpeakUp” portal  anonymously, please carefully write down the “case number” assigned to you by the system. Otherwise, we have no means to contact you in case of further questions due to your anonymity.

Scope of application of the whistleblower system

The above-mentioned reporting channels are primarily available in the event of (serious) breaches of the law in the following areas:

  • Economic, corruption and tax offenses,
  • Environmental crimes,
  • Human rights violations,
  • Antitrust infringements,
  • Money laundering and terrorist financing offenses,
  • Breaches of product safety regulations that may result in a violation of legal interests,
  • Violations of approval regulations,
  • Violations of data protection law.


Course of the procedure

You will receive a confirmation of receipt within seven days of submitting your notification, unless you have submitted your notification in a personal meeting on site. In order to gain a better understanding of the facts, it may be necessary us to contact you in order to provide any queries or to request further documentation.

The processing of incoming information shall always take place within a reasonable period.

You will generally be informed within three months of the result of the clarification of the facts and the remedial measures required in each individual case. In exceptional cases, it may take longer for particularly complex matters. We will of course also inform you of this within three months of receiving your report and let you know when you can expect the investigation and processing of the matter to be completed.

If your concern is not (sufficiently) related to IAV or it is not in scope of our responsibilities, we will advise you on finding an alternative way to help you to address it.

Whistleblower protection

Whistleblowers are comprehensively protected against reprisals. If, despite the preventive measures taken, discrimination occurs in individual cases as a result of a report, the persons responsible for the discrimination will be sanctioned in accordance with the statutory provisions. However, whistleblower protection can be restricted if whistleblowers knowingly and willfully provide false information. In this case, possible claims for damages against whistleblowers may also be considered.


IAV treats all information and details provided confidentially. In particular, care is taken to ensure that no conclusions can be drawn about your identity when clarifying the facts.

If it is necessary to disclose your identity to other bodies in order to clarify the facts, the Compliance Organization will obtain your consent in advance in accordance with the statutory requirements.

Contact person

Compliance & Integrity
Carnotstraße 1
10587 Berlin
Languages: German, English