The Declaration was prompted by the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations for the Prevention of Human Rights Violations in Supply Chains, which came into force on January 1, 2023 and regulates corporate responsibility for respecting human rights in global supply chains.
„As engineering partner of future technologies, integrity, fairness and independence have always been of great importance to us at IAV.“
IAV Declaration
IAV GmbH, in particular, is a company bound by collective bargaining agreements and has been working in social partnership with IG Metall for many years. IAV also promotes respectful interaction with one another and openness to people from different countries and cultures through various initiatives.
With the new law coming into force, IAV is now increasing the requirements it places on its suppliers. Depending from the specific risk situation, preventive measures are being taken to ensure human rights in the value chain. IAV does not tolerate any form of child labor, slavery or forced labor among its partners and states this as binding in the Code of Conduct for Business Partners. Human rights are non-negotiable for us, emphasize the Management Board and the General Works Council jointly.
You can find the Declaration in text and further information here.