As part of the “HyCET” (Hydrogen Combustion Engine Trucks) research project funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs (BMDV), the first test drive of the 18-ton truck went smoothly and shows that hydrogen engines are a sensible option for the truck drive-technology of the future.
IAV plays a key role in the project by integrating the H2 engine into an existing truck platform. The tech solution provider manages the systems engineering and supports DEUTZ in the selection and integration of all H2 components, the networking of all systems via the gateway control unit through to prototype safety and validation of the entire vehicle.
The HyCET project is making a successful contribution to sustainable transport logistics. Just a year ago, the EU decided to classify commercial vehicles with hydrogen combustion engines as “zero emission vehicles” in accordance with its CO2 emission standards. This means that such vehicles contribute directly to the CO2 fleet targets of OEMs.
Fitted with a 7.8-litre hydrogen engine from DEUTZ, the truck is due to go on the test track in September this year. DEUTZ and BMW Group, which leads the consortium project, plan to start operating it in plant traffic at the beginning of 2025.