IAV Optera becomes part of the envelios Intelligent Grid Platform ecosystem. This allows the network models to be used for automated target network planning.
Optera uses a self-learning algorithm to find a cost-effective path from the current inventory to a valid target network by adding new lines and deconstructing existing connections. The automation of this complex planning task opens up the analysis of a high number of variants, for example for different scenarios of the feed-in and load side.
Network planners can use Optera to assess the impact of numerous relevant scenarios on the existing network in the shortest possible time and to compare any target network variants to fulfil the supply task. By using the SaaS solution, asset management benefits from an improvement in planning results, a significant acceleration of the planning processes and ultimately from an optimisation of asset investments.
In the course of the partnership, an interface was established with which the network models from the Intelligent Grid Platform are transmitted directly to Optera. This means that quality-assured grid models can be used directly in Optera – without any additional effort for data preparation. For existing users of the Intelligent Grid Platform, fast and automated target network planning will be possible at the push of a button. The automated feedback of the generated target grids, which is currently being planned, and the possibility of storing them as “difference grids” will enable envelio customers to use new functionalities for their targeted grid expansion.
In addition to its core area of automotive, IAV designs methods and solutions for the energy and agricultural industries. The cooperation with envelio is another opportunity for IAV to position itself sustainably in the energy industry sector.
Nick Elsner
Energy Solutions