GroupImage recognition in laser cutting as a concrete application example for the use of quantum ML algorithms.
How can companies leverage the potential of digitalization and remain competitive? The use of technologies such as artificial intelligence can help companies to benefit as much as possible from the digital transformation. Machine learning (ML) in particular already plays a major role in the digitalization strategy of many companies and enables more efficient processes and new business models, among other things. However, there is often a lack of specialists. As a result, the implementation of ML solutions is still often associated with a high workload. From data acquisition and the selection of suitable algorithms to the optimization of training, detailed ML expertise is required.
The approach of automated machine learning (AutoML) counteracts these challenges and facilitates the use of artificial intelligence. In particular, the choice of specific ML algorithms is automated. Users therefore need to be less familiar with ML and can concentrate more on their actual processes.
In this context, the innovation of quantum computing promises to establish new solutions that significantly improve the AutoML approach. In addition, quantum computing offers the computing power often required for AutoML.
New approach: quantum computing takes machine learning to a new level
The “AutoQML” collaborative project focused on this innovation and achieved two key objectives: firstly, the new AutoQML approach was developed. This extends the AutoML principle with newly developed quantum ML algorithms. Secondly, quantum computing takes the AutoML approach to a new level, as certain problems can be solved more efficiently and sustainably with quantum computing than with conventional algorithms.
Under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO, the AutoQML open-source software developed now gives developers simplified access to conventional and quantum ML algorithms. The quantum ML components and methods developed have been brought together in the form of a toolbox and made available to the development teams. This enables users to apply machine learning and quantum machine learning and to develop automated hybrid overall solutions.
In addition to the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA, the companies GFT Integrated Systems, USU GmbH, IAV GmbH Ingenieursgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr, KEB Automation KG, Trumpf and Zeppelin GmbH also took part in the project. The solutions developed were tested on the basis of specific use cases from the automotive and production sectors.
Benchmarking study shows potential of AutoQML
In the final benchmarking study, the project consortium compared its AutoQML open source software with the best known classical and quantum methods. A key result of the study: The automated solutions of the AutoQML software perform at least as well as the best manually found classical and quantitative methods. This gives developers the opportunity to experiment with their own use cases. With the open source software, an important step has been taken towards a broader application of quantum machine learning in industry, which can sustainably increase the competitiveness and innovative strength of companies.
Further market dissemination by the corporate partners promotes the transfer of research-related high technology to a broad industrial environment and aims to significantly strengthen Germany as an industrial location. The scientific findings from the project have been presented in several publications. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) for a period of three years.
Contact: peter.schichtel@iav.de