



As a pioneer, we enable sustainability through technology and engineering. As a role model, we are committed to fair and attractive working conditions and a careful approach to the environment. As a partner, we commit ourselves and our environment to sustainability and make our performance transparent. 

For IAV, sustainability has become even more important in all its dimensions: ecological, economic, and social. With our commitment to sustainable business practices, we’re not only meeting the expectations of our customers, our fellow citizens, and politicians. First and foremost, we’re also meeting our own standards of responsible corporate conduct. Our purpose “We’re moving the world for the better through technology and engineering” is the foundation of our joint efforts for a sustainable future, which connects us not only in Germany but across all locations worldwide.

IAV has developed its value system accordingly and firmly anchored the issue of sustainability within it: “We take responsibility.” for our developments, services, and products – worldwide. We are committed to sustainability in order to preserve a livable environment for future generations. Four key areas of action are derived from this, within which specific initiatives will be used to demonstrate how we are living up to our responsibility for our business, for our employees, for the environment, and for society.

Fields of action

Responsibility for our business

IAV maintains long-term business relationships that have been based on mutual trust for decades. All employees work in cross-divisional cooperation to sustainably strengthen the position of customers in the market. To ensure the quality of services and products, the sustainable actions of all business partners are also essential.

Just as it goes without saying that IAV provides top engineering for its customers, IAV also consistently complies with statutory and other regulatory requirements. IAV stands for responsible corporate management in the context of corporate governance and compliance. The Code of Conduct sets a binding framework within which all employees worldwide make decisions and act in accordance with uniform legal and ethical standards.

since 2019

Supplier Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct for business partners was issued in 2019. The aim is to enforce IAV’s understanding of values and sustainability in the supply chains. IAV has initiated various activities for this purpose and is working on their realization.

 26 locations

Compliance Organization

With local contact persons at the subsidiaries as well as central and decentralized units, IAV covers the entire portfolio of compliance issues.

Responsibility for our employees

As an employer of more than 7,000 employees in Germany, IAV bears responsibility for a large workforce. Employees are provided with a stimulating environment in which they can realize their ideas in a spirit of partnership within a sustainable range of tasks. In particular, the long-term nature of employment relationships is of key importance in times of digital transformation. During the transformation process in the automotive industry, employees must be offered both prospects and security. TThe reliability of employment relationships at IAV is demonstrated, among other things, by a high average length of service of over 10 years in 2021. The goal is therefore to attract and retain the best talent by providing an attractive working environment. For this reason, IAV is driving cultural change, ensuring flexibility, and using modern tools in human resources work.

«There are real team players working at IAV. Interdisciplinary and cross-functional collaboration is paramount.»

Dorothee Reuter — Employer Branding and HR Marketing


Employee satisfaction

The annual “employee survey” uses targeted questions to survey employee satisfaction. In 2023, the overall index was a pleasing 75 out of 100 index points and thus above the level from the previous year, despite a challenging business year.



IAV supports employees' individual career and professional paths and offers them a wide range of training and development measures.



The workforce is characterized by diversity. The more individual the employees and their backgrounds are, the more diverse the ideas are that make IAV a leading global Tech Solution Provider.

Responsibility for the environment

The European Commission’s goal of making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050 is both an incentive and an opportunity for us. An incentive, in that we aim to continuously reduce the CO2 emissions of our business processes, and opportunity, in that we develop technologies and concepts for sustainable mobility. IAV is intensively involved in climate-friendly drive systems – both electric, hydrogen, and gas drives as well as hybrid vehicles – and likewise in reducing the consumption and emissions of gasoline and diesel engines. For IAV, sustainability does not end with the engineering of drive systems, but is considered over their entire life cycle.

IAV’s aspiration is to use innovative and environmentally friendly methods throughout the company in the provision of services and to continuously improve energy and resource efficiency in the operation of buildings, facilities, and vehicles. At IAV, the careful and, if possible, waste-free use of resources and the avoidance of environmental pollution are in harmony with economic success. All employees bear responsibility for this.

«Sustainability does not have to mean doing without. New technologies can also make sustainability possible without constraints.»

Robert Kasprowicz — Trendscouting and Innovation

64.868 MWh

Total energy consumption

The largest share of energy consumption is accounted for by fuels for operating vehicles, followed by electric power and the heating energy required for air conditioning buildings and conditioning test rigs.

11.194 t CO₂

CO₂-Emissions total

IAV GmbH obtains electricity exclusively from renewable energy sources. We are constantly working to reduce our CO2 footprint.

514 t

Total waste volume

In 2023, the volume of waste was reduced by 18.7% compared to the previous year. This shows our continuous improvement in terms of the circular economy.

Responsibility for society

Societal developments such as environmental and climate protection, the conflict between urbanization and the demand for basic subsistence in rural areas, demographic change, and the state’s will to regulate will determine the future of mobility. To meet these challenges, IAV is developing an understanding of the entire value chain of mobility concepts and is building a partner network to cover this chain as a whole. IAV derives three mobility initiatives from its mobility strategy: autonomous driving, multi-modal mobility concepts, and grid-supported charging.

IAV is also involved in publicly funded research and development projects. These make a significant contribution to the technological progress of society, strengthen existing industries, and support the development of new industries of the future. IAV uses these projects to expand its expertise for a future-proof edge in know-how.

«With our innovative strength, we not only solve technical problems, but also social challenges.»

Hans-Christian Winter — Business Development Mobility

3,1 Mio. Euro

Public funding for future projects in 2023

Together with partners from science and industry, IAV is developing solutions in many projects that will shape the mobility of tomorrow and beyond.AV is developing solutions in many projects that will shape the mobility of tomorrow and beyond.

Sustainability Report

“Move with Ambition” – Discover our latest Sustainability Report 2023! In this sustainability report, we show you the measures we are taking to assume responsibility for our business, our employees, the environment and society. However, we don’t just take a look back, we also look to the future.

Our experts from the specialist departments provide an insight into their work and show, for example, how energy savings were achieved at the Berlin site, what joining the UN Global Compact means, how care is practiced holistically in supplier relationships and how new management and working time models contribute to the promotion of diversity and equal opportunities. In addition, you will find a feature on our IAV subsidiary in China and how it operates in the world’s most dynamic mobility market as well as our sustainability key figures.

Report 2023

Download (PDF)


Vision 2045

IAV participated in the Vision 2045 Summit in November 2021, which took place in parallel to the World Climate Summit (COP26), and shared insights with leading companies on sustainable solutions for the future. Read more about this in the IAV story "Responsibility as an Opportunity”

Vision 2045
Charta der Vielfalt

Diverse perspectives are crucial to IAV's innovative strength and competitiveness as a tech solution provider. By signing the “Charta der Vielfalt" in October 2021, we commit ourselves to an appreciative and unbiased working environment.

Charta der Vielfalt
Employers for equality

Employers for Equality is the programme for gender equality and diversity in companies. As a member, IAV has access to a practical programme and network for raising awareness among its employees, managers and all key stakeholders.

Employers for equality



EcoVadis assesses the sustainability performance of suppliers in global supply chains. In 2022, IAV successfully completed the assessment again and confirmed its Silver status. This means that IAV continues to rank among the top 25% of assessed companies in the industry.

Green Loan Certificate

The financing for the new office building in Gifhorn was provided in accordance with the requirements of the KfW Energy Efficiency Programme. Only buildings that meet the highest energy standards qualify for such financing. This commitment was recognised by IKB Deutsche Industriebank with a certificate for sustainable loans.

Sustainability Award 2022 for Automotive

Our modular e-drive conversion kit “IAV Elcty” won us the sustainability prize won us the sustainability prize from the ATZ/MTZ Group and management consultants Arthur D. Little with a focus on circular economy. The aim of IAV’s smart e-drive package is to remanufacture end-of-life commercial vehicles such as diesel buses, save primary raw materials and reduce energy consumption.