

A central hub for your charging infrastructure

Swarm IQ eParkManager

Our software solution for the seamless integration of charging infrastructures takes all aspects of your charging stations and processes into account in order to ensure that they work together optimally.

Intelligence and transparency for your charging infrastructure

Swarm IQ eParkManager provides you with a software-as-a-service solution for your charging infrastructure management. Our application not only seamlessly integrates localized load management and dynamic peak shaving, but also offers comprehensive charging load management to keep an eye on all aspects of your infrastructure. This allows you to reduce your operating costs and improve your environmental footprint at the same time. By integrating facility management and generating plants, we have developed a holistic approach that addresses every detail of your energy infrastructure.

What is Swarm IQ

Energy management with prioritization and distribution
The software is designed to work seamlessly with your energy consumers and generators as well as your existing facility management system. It takes your individual needs into account and optimizes the use of energy efficiently and cost-effectively.

Peak shaving taking building loads into account
Our software offers dynamic peak shaving that takes building loads into account. This feature ensures that energy consumption peaks are balanced out to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of the energy system.

Different charging strategies
Depending on your requirements, you can choose between different charging strategies, such as grid-supportive, energy-optimized or schedule-based control. This gives you maximum flexibility when charging your fleet.

Monitoring of charging processes with cost center-based billing
Our system enables the monitoring of charging processes and offers cost center-based billing. This gives you transparency about energy consumption and allows you to allocate costs fairly.

Dashboard with reports for different user groups
Our intuitive dashboard enables customized reports and visualizations at different levels for diverse user groups. This makes it easier to monitor energy resources and make more informed decisions.

Fault and maintenance management
Our system offers robust fault and maintenance management. In the event of faults, it defines clear fault classes, sends notifications, creates log files and allows quick remote configuration. This means you are always in a position to respond effectively to problems.

Who is Swarm IQ eParkManager for?

If you manage a fleet with a charging park, many charging stations at different locations and different user groups, eParkManager is an indispensable tool. From small corporate fleets to delivery services, cab companies, public transport companies or car rental companies, you can benefit from eParkManager’s intelligent charging strategies and efficient energy management.

How do you benefit?

Increased efficiency and cost savings

Intelligent prioritization and distribution of energy resources and dynamic peak shaving can increase energy efficiency and reduce operating costs.

Many charging stations, one tool

From individual charging points to an extensive charging park with numerous stations at different locations, eParkManager allows you to manage, configure and control them efficiently.

Transparency about energy consumption

By monitoring charging processes and cost center-based billing, the company gains full transparency of its energy consumption. The dashboard also provides customized reports for different user groups, which facilitates decision-making.

Simple charge card management, simple access control

We ensure precise control of access to the charging stations through various authorization options. This makes it possible to define individual authorizations for different user groups and charging cards and thereby control energy consumption in a targeted manner.